Sliver Moon
A slice of moon hangs over the night.
A sliver of golden yellow against a cobalt sky.
Its crescent shape,
corners turned upward, toward Heaven, resembles a smile.
On a cold winter eve, this shard of light guides me, brightens my journey,
leads the way home.
by Lina Rehal
Spring is here and we have the deck to prove it. Dick has outdone himself again. He's added an array of colorful butterflies and pastel bunnies to his garden, creating this year's theme, Butterflies Are Free. The pansies (my favorite), tulips, lilies and hydrangeas are doing well despite the cold temperatures. They are surrounded by various hanging ornaments, wind chimes, statues, solar candles, twirling things, trinkets and glass balls. If you know my husband, you know our patio is his domain and that he spends a lot of time making it a special place to relax and enjoy the moment. I take no credit for the gorgeous flowers or the decor. My part is to look, take pictures and not to touch.
Soon, he will plant the daisies that will stay with us throughout the summer and fall. Last year, we had daisies well into December. I wonder if we will see that again.
The biggest news is that I'm working again. Yeah! I'm working at Care Connection in Malden. It's a division of Intercity Home Care. I've just completed my fourth week there.
Another big news item is my book, Carousel Kisses. My publisher, Tide Dancer Publications, expects it to be out sometime in early summer. Another yeah! As many of you know, this is a revised edition of the book. If you read the first one and liked it, you will now be able to tell your friends about it and how they can get it. I've added a two stories, a poem and more photos to the new edition. It will be available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, through the publisher and on my soon to be launched website for the book plus various other places that will be announced later.
Carousel Kisses is a collection of nostalgic short stories, personal essays and poems about growing up in the late 1950's to early 1960's. It is a look back at the days of lemonade stands, pajama parties, sand lot baseball, five and ten cent stores with lunch counters, soda fountains, amusement parks and penny arcades. It's a great gift idea, especially for your baby boomer parents or friends. People love nostalgia.
My writing group, the North Shore Scribes, is about to celebrate its second anniversary in May. We now have eight members and still meet one Saturday a month. The group is planning a luncheon for our June meeting, hosted by one of our members. To further mark the occasion, we are creating a blog/website that will allow our writers to share their work with you. We cover several genres including fiction, non-fiction, memoir writing, nostalgia and poetry. This site will provide some interesting reading. More on this later.DISNEY:
Another Disney trip is coming up for us. We are looking forward to sunshine, fun and seeing my favorite mouse and all the characters again. Go Mickey!Thank you for reading my blog. Feel free to pass it along to your friends.