Dick and I took advantage of a perfect summer day in July. We went into Boston on the Blue Line. In 15 minutes, we were at the Aquarium station about to take in all that Boston Harbor has to offer. The photo opps were incredible: tall buildings, fabulous hotels and condos, restaurants, the Aquarium, magnificent boats offering harbor cruises and tourists from all over the world enjoying the picturesque harbor.
We walked over to the North End for the Feast of Saint Agrippina. It’s a fun place to visit. We love the atmosphere, music and food. Our last stop was Fanueil Hall and the Market Place.
The following Sunday, we continued our walking tour of Boston. We got off at Copley Plaza and wandered through the Copley Fairmont and the Taj on our way to the Public Gardens. I was in awe of the enormous old willow trees and the way their branches touched the water and swayed in the warm summer breezes.
The Swan Boats have been a popular attraction in Boston for decades. They glide through the water carrying passengers who have taken the time to enjoy the tranquility of this beautiful spot. After a quick stop at the infamous Cheers for a bit of nostalgia, we headed to Boston Commons.
It was heartwarming to watch families playing Frisbee or enjoying a picnic under a lovely shade tree and young couples sitting on a blanket reading a book. It was nice to feel the serenity and to watch the kids cooling off in the Frog Pond. Another one hundred pictures later, we stopped at Clarke’s at Fanueil Hall for a leisurely lunch before heading home.
We truly have many great places to visit and some amazing things to do and sites to see, right in our own back yard.

I am hoping to announce soon that Carousel Kisses is available. When I know, you’ll know. The cover is done and we are close to publication. I have re-vamped my personal website, www.luvs2write.com and have a website/blog for the book, www.carouselkisses.blogspot.com. I am now on Twitter under Carousel Kisses and have a Facebook page for the book. Tide Dancer, my publisher, has added me to their website, www.tidedancer.com . I will continue to send out updates on my blog, through personal email and on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Thank you for your support.
We celebrated our second anniversary as a writing group with a luncheon at the home of one of our members. You can visit us at www.northshorescribes.wordpress.com. Please stop by. We appreciate your comments. Bookmark the site and visit often.
We are expecting our 5th (yes, I said number 5) grandchild next week! Another boy.
We are looking forward to our next Disney trip in October. This one will be a magical happening with some of our kids there, including two grandkids. We have a relaxing weekend planned in North Conway in December.
My class reunion is coming up soon. LEHS (Lynn English High School) Class of 1965, September 24th at Gannon in Lynn. If you were a member of this class, try to make it. If you know someone who was, please tell them about it in case they don’t already know.
Thanks for reading my blog. Please stop by again.
Enjoy the last days of summer!