I am happy to announce that my book, CAROUSEL KISSES, is finally out there and available for purchase! It’s been a long time coming and a lot of work, but the book is out. Now comes the marketing. Look for press releases in local papers and on Wicked Local online.
CAROUSEL KISSES is now online at Amazon and Barnes & Nobel. It is also available on many distribution lists, including Ingram, for bookstores and through me directly. I even have an estore through Amazon at CreateSpace. http://createspace.com/3559723 if you would like to find out more about the book. Chances are, if you are reading this, you know me and have heard a lot about my book already.
Information is also available on the book's site, www.carouselkisses.blogspot.com and my site, www.luvs2write.com and I post updated info on Facebook and Twitter.
I’m busy learning the ins and outs of the publishing world, a whole new thing to me. All this print on demand and ebook stuff can be a bit confusing, but I’m learning as I go. I’m thinking about making the book Kindle ready further down the road.
WHITE BIRCH BOOKS is a great bookstore in North Conway, New Hampshire. CAROUSEL KISSES is going to be available there. If you are in the North Conway area, please stop in and visit this awesome store. Check out their website: www.whitebirchbooks.com
If you have read my book and can spare a few minutes to go on Amazon.com and write a review, I would appreciate it so much.
Thank you to all who have bought my book already and to those who have been so supportive of my efforts to get this book published. Your comments and encouragement have been helpful and truly appreciated.
In other Rehal news, Dick and I enjoyed another great weekend in North Conway in February. We stayed at the Suites at Eastern Slope Inn again and had the same unit in the Carriage House that we like so much. No Magical Express this time, but we still had fun.
We had lunch at Horsefeathers on Friday and met up with Angela and Kevin at The Moat that evening for a while. On Saturday, we hit the outlet stores as usual for a little shopping. That night, we had a lovely dinner with our good friends Bill and Jean Jones who live in the area. They introduced us to a new restaurant, The Black Cap, not far from where we were staying. I stopped in to visit my friends at the North Conway 5 and 10 Cent Store and showed them a copy of CAROUSEL KISSES. They are mentioned in the book. I am hoping they might carry it as well. I’ll let you know if/when I hear.
This wonderful group continues to flourish. We have seven members at present. It’s a phenomenal group of women writers. My good friend, Gail Lowe, (author of Former Things) attended one of our meetings as a guest author. You can visit us at www.northshorescribes.wordpress.com. Please stop by. We appreciate your comments. Bookmark the site and visit often.
Our next Disney trip is coming up in May. We are looking forward to some sunshine. This has been a terrible winter. I’m sick of snow. Can’t wait for spring.
Thanks for reading my blog. Please stop by again.
May you all enjoy a wonderful spring!!