Sliver Moon

A slice of moon hangs over the night.
A sliver of golden yellow against a cobalt sky.
Its crescent shape,

corners turned upward, toward Heaven, resembles a smile.
On a cold winter eve, this shard of light guides me, brightens my journey,

leads the way home.

by Lina Rehal

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hello Again! I'm back!

I think it’s about time I try this blogging thing again. I spent hours creating it then dropped it like a rock. I made an attempt to get back to it several months ago. After spending an hour writing a post and checking it over, I hit the wrong button and blew it away forever. I hope I do better this time around and will start with trying to fill you in on my most recent adventures.

A little over a year ago, I started the North Shore Scribes, a group for women writers. This small, wonderful group of talented ladies meets once a month on Saturday mornings to share the craft they love. By using their writing knowledge and life’s experiences, each one brings something special to the two-hour sessions. Whether it’s fiction, memoirs, poetry, screenplays, or just a short piece about something that recently inspired us, we read, critique, encourage and support each other and enjoy a few good laughs in the process. We discuss our work and where we want to go with it. I look forward to more inspiring times with these creative women.

I’m currently enjoying some time at home. There hasn’t been much of a summer, but free time is free time. I’ll take what I can get and use it wisely. I made a list of things I want to do and have been trying to get to at least one or two every week. I visited the Peabody Essex and the Lynn Museums, browsed the shops in Salem and went to Revere Beach to see the sand sculptures for the first time. I go to the Mall in the middle of the week. I go for walks and take pictures with my new camera. Looks like I’ve started blogging again. Hopefully, I will get back to my writing and work on finishing Sweet Violets. I also plan to dabble in oil painting again before the summer is over. I’ve been to Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun and am looking forward to our next Disney trip in October.

I try to spend as much time with Katie, my granddaughter, as possible. Hard to believe she is two and a half already. She knows that on Wednesday nights, “Mimi” (that’s who I am now), comes to visit and on the weekends she usually goes shopping with Mimi and her mother. Dick and I have four grandchildren now. Libby, Mason, Katie and Ben. Octoberfest should be a rousing event this year.

I hope this brings you up to speed. If there is anything in particular you want to chat about on here, please feel free to let me know. As always, I appreciate your comments and feedback.

Hope to keep this going a little longer this time. I will try to post a few new photos to show you what I’m doing with the new camera.


1 comment:

Cindy said...

Good post. Sounds like you're enjoying your leisure time and the summer. I take it your summer has been cool, ours has been terribly hot here. We've had heat indexes over 100 for several days now. Looking forward to some cooler times hopefully.

Love the pictures. Your view from the deck and paio are gorgeous. Lucky you! The flower from Dick's garden is beautiful.

Love reading your blog and I'll stop by again to see what you've been up to.