Sliver Moon

A slice of moon hangs over the night.
A sliver of golden yellow against a cobalt sky.
Its crescent shape,

corners turned upward, toward Heaven, resembles a smile.
On a cold winter eve, this shard of light guides me, brightens my journey,

leads the way home.

by Lina Rehal

Friday, November 9, 2007

My Mother Said...

My mother always told me to count the change. Whenever she sent me to the store, she would say, "And count the change." I always made sure I did. I wasn't going home and getting blamed for someone else's mistake. Today, (whenever I pay with cash) I try to be cognizant of the amount of the sale, how much I give the cashier and how much I get back.

My mother's words came back to me when I stopped at the ATM on my way home from work. I withdrew more cash than usual because I'm going on vacation. When the money popped out of the little slot, I grabbed the $20 bills and began counting. When I realized what a bad idea it is to stand in the little ATM area where anyone can be watching and count cash, I quickly tucked the money in my wallet and hurried out the door, holding on to my pocketbook. On the way to the car, I thought about why I do that and what a bad idea it is. I guess it's because my mother taught me to "count my change."

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