Sliver Moon

A slice of moon hangs over the night.
A sliver of golden yellow against a cobalt sky.
Its crescent shape,

corners turned upward, toward Heaven, resembles a smile.
On a cold winter eve, this shard of light guides me, brightens my journey,

leads the way home.

by Lina Rehal

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thank You For Stopping By

Thank you to those who have visited my new blog. Special thanks to those who have left such nice comments. Several of you have commented on the Cosmetics Anonymous post. It seems we can all relate to that one. I will post one of my Rehal World stories again shortly. I love writing about things people can read and relate to.

Phyllis, I put things under my bathroom sink that don't fit in the medicine/cosmetic cabinet too. I'm always buying baskets to keep stuff in. I think it's going to organize the hair dryers, curling irons, Costco size bottles of mouthwash and extra rolls of toilet tissue. It doesn't.

Charlene, thanks for the tip about the Vaseline. Imagine how many tubes and bottles it could take the place of?

Jo, If my cabinet looks like yours, it's because we shop together. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Louisa! How do you do it? Work and find time to make a blog? Just scanned through, but looks like a lot of interesting stuff is in here. I WILL be back.
Your chat friend
(Hannelore), Angelika