Sliver Moon

A slice of moon hangs over the night.
A sliver of golden yellow against a cobalt sky.
Its crescent shape,

corners turned upward, toward Heaven, resembles a smile.
On a cold winter eve, this shard of light guides me, brightens my journey,

leads the way home.

by Lina Rehal

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

'Tis the Season..........already?

I love the holiday season. The aroma of the turkey and stuffing filling the house and fresh (well used to be) baked pies, beautifully decorated Christmas trees (even the artificial ones that look so real), the TV specials, holiday movies and the lights. I love the lights. But, already?

For the past couple of weeks, I've been listening to people making comments about all the Christmas "stuff" being out in the stores. Every year we complain because retailers have the holiday decorations up too soon. Well, they do have to start early to get us to buy early. I'll go along with that, to a point. Last year, a lot of us lashed out (rightfully so) at malls, stores and businesses that started using the words "holiday tree." December 25th is Christmas and I don't want to call it anything else. My tree is a Christmas tree. I joined that bandwagon in a heartbeat. I, along with millions of other baby boomer woman who have a huge collective voice when it comes to buying power, refused to shop in such ridiculous stores. Take away my Christmas tree or my Easter bunny and I can get mean. We seemed to have won that battle.

Tonight, on my way home from work, I saw four houses on one street all decorated for Christmas. I couldn't believe my reaction to this since I am going to Disney World next week and can't wait to see the Christmas trees and lights and the fabulous display at MGM. If this were the day after Thanksgiving, I would have said, "Oh, how pretty." Instead, all I could say was, "Already?" As soon as Thanksgiving passes, I'm looking for the lights, but the first week in November, I'm just not ready yet.

I love the Thanksgiving season too. Lots of foliage, lovely fall colors, apple picking, families getting together, giving thanks for what we have. It's a short holiday that is getting shorter every year. I love the lights and can't wait to put our own out (even though we live in a condo and some humbugs complain about owners hanging "Christmas lights" on their balconies and will only allow white "holiday lights"). But, that's okay because my husband puts together a gorgeous display.

As we begin our "holiday" shopping, no matter what we call it, let's enjoy this time of year while we have it. When I come back from vacation, I'll post a couple of pictures of the Christmas trees at Disney World and the spectacular lights at MGM. By then, I should be ready to drive around and look at the lights here at home.

1 comment:

Queen Jaw Jaw said...

I'm with you. Thanksgiving is the "cross over" date into the Holiday season with it's lights, shopping, and eggnog. I don't want to be shoved in that direction by ones who would be the first on their street to "light up." Love your home here...its cozy and inviting! JJ